Friday, November 23, 2007


Damns, wasn't it JUST Friday?

This is crazyness! Crazyness I say!!

Ok, well aside from the cruddy cold-like thing I have going on, things are pretty good now. I just sold four more books to some folks from out of town (more visibility in another state is avery very good thing! The signing is set up for the 12th and the books are ordered (along with some posters to spruce up the signing a bit), and all is well.

Work continues on the RP book. I have spent the last few days statting out the few major characters from the first novel so players will have an idea how I see them and how they look compared to one another in game terms. I have a couple more to do before I paste them into the book (which will push it up over 300 pages finally, for real), then I need to do a few more spells, some programming tricks and I would like to get a couple more robot vehicles in as well, since there is only one currently.

I am hoping to be more or less done with this book in the next couple of weeks so I can get back to some more story-driven writing soon. I need to finish the Jumah's World series so I can work on getting a cover art contest rolling, and get the text collected and edited for publishing.

Anyway, that's it for now. I am going to go try and get some more sleep. See you all later!!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

And the battle wages onward!!

Ok, so I set up The First Key of Kalijor to be purchased/read on the Amazon Kindle format. At this point I am just waiting for it to drop to their list of available books. However, is has thus far been nearly five days since I did my part of the work and their system said it was 'live' content, and it still has yet to appear in the lists.

I contacted Amazon's tech support through their only available means, which begins as a poorly posted series of FAQ's that are cut up into little categorized pieces, none of which are terribly descriptive as o what category might actually hold the single, tiny nugget of information you are in search of. So I finally posted to the forums asking the question and a very prompt reply told me that in the FAQ's it says to wait 72 hours for your material to 'drop' to the list.

I propose that a single page FAQ would be infinitely more useful as it would be searchable and they would get less of that sort of question. Either way, it has now been WAY more than 72 hours and the book still has not dropped to the lists, so I have posted for assistance yet again. We'll see what happens....

On a more 'holiday cheer' note, we have some company from out of town here for the holiday today and the kitchen and house are a-buzz with conversation and activity as the meal is cooked and stories are told. All-in-all it is very refreshing and fun, I look forward to the rest of our company arriving this afternoon.

The books are ordered and being printed for the signing on December 12th. For anyone that is interested that will be taking place at 'Black & Read' book store at 80th Ave, and Wadsworth Boulevard in Arvada, Colorado. I haven't settled on a time with them as yet but I am thinking it will run from around noon, until six or seven in the evening, or as long as the books last, whichever comes first.

Ok, I am off to enjoy the family experience. So until next time, enjoy the day, in whatever capacity you choose, and I will talk to you all later!



Saturday, November 17, 2007

And the project continues


Life is moving forward at a very life-like pace and events are progressing as they are apt to do.

I went by one of the few remaining local book stores yesterday and asked about a signing and they seemed overwhelmingly excited about it. I need to call them back today and speak to a couple different people about when and what they think of the book. I think I will actually go there instead of calling them though. Keep things more personal. :)

I sent a communication to the owner/publisher of the RPG's that I am hoping to have publish the RP book. Still waiting on a reply from him. He is pretty busy and it will be a week tomorrow, so I am not wigging out about that just yet. The frustration at the moment is actually centered around a different local book store that has a bunch of hoops authors need to jump through to get a signing. Well I have jumped through the first couple of hoops and am waiting on a return phone call from someone, waiting for more than a week now for a call from a locally owned business..... I just don't understand that one at all....

Anyway. Gaming tonight! *cheers*

I added a new class to the RPG book and am working on a slew of additional material. It has just been slow going due to the work situation. But it is progressing.

Also, I got the RSS working for this blog so if you want to add it to your aggrigator the URL is: Kalijor Daily!

Ok, back to work on the material. See you all later!


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday, Friday, Friday!!!

Odd that it is Saturday.....

Ok, I have missed a couple of days here, but in my defense, I am working three full-time jobs right now so I have THAT going for me. :D

Alright, I have made my first attempt at contacting the publisher of the RPG's that I am hoping to work with on my RPG treatment of the Kalijor series. I have high hopes that they will be amenable to working together on this project since I am a HUGE fan of their work and have been for something like 20 years now.

On the writing front, I am working on a contest entry for a DeviantArt member. It was originally planned as a seven to ten page piece but I have been a bit carried away by the story and it is going on 22 pages now (double spaced, per contest entry rules, but still!). They said the longer and more in-depth the story is, the better odds it has of placing in the contest, so I figured what the heck!

I have plans to do some more work on the encyclopedia of Kalijor, lots of ideas rolling around in my head. Quoth the raven, "I suffer from an over-active imagination." Twenty bonus points toward a fabulous no-prize if you can tell me who said that one!

Ok, I have stuff to do and what-not, so I will get back at it. See you all next time!


Saturday, November 3, 2007

The day before Sunday...

So not a lot to say today really. The oldest boy just, somehow, managed to pass his belt test and advance to his low brown belt. They said they did it partially for motivational reasons, and partly because the majority of his stuff is actually not looking too bad, all things considered.

That's all well and good as I am sure it will sort itself out naturally. However, at home the youngest one has aparently gone insane while we were here at testing for five hours. I'm pretty sure be will need something more serious than grounding this evening.

At any rate, gaming is tonight so that is cool, more play testing of the new material. :)

I am about ready to pitch the book to the publisher I have in mind. I'm pretty sure tgey will jump at it, however i think there might be some issues concerning rights. I hope not since Ireally think this book can be of huge benefit to both myself and them. I suppose we'll find out soon!

In related news, I am working on a short story for a contest on Deviant Art. It's turned into a pretty significant piece really. Also, I should be getting more in place on my Jumah's World story. I think it will be drawing to a close in the next couple of installments sometime.

Anyway, I need to go as I am posting this from my phone at the belt test! :)
