Friday, November 23, 2007


Damns, wasn't it JUST Friday?

This is crazyness! Crazyness I say!!

Ok, well aside from the cruddy cold-like thing I have going on, things are pretty good now. I just sold four more books to some folks from out of town (more visibility in another state is avery very good thing! The signing is set up for the 12th and the books are ordered (along with some posters to spruce up the signing a bit), and all is well.

Work continues on the RP book. I have spent the last few days statting out the few major characters from the first novel so players will have an idea how I see them and how they look compared to one another in game terms. I have a couple more to do before I paste them into the book (which will push it up over 300 pages finally, for real), then I need to do a few more spells, some programming tricks and I would like to get a couple more robot vehicles in as well, since there is only one currently.

I am hoping to be more or less done with this book in the next couple of weeks so I can get back to some more story-driven writing soon. I need to finish the Jumah's World series so I can work on getting a cover art contest rolling, and get the text collected and edited for publishing.

Anyway, that's it for now. I am going to go try and get some more sleep. See you all later!!



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