Saturday, October 27, 2007

And so it begins...

In truth it began a number of years ago, but Last month the publishing process was completed and now I am wading into the interesting world that is PR (public relations) and advertising.

Just this afternoon I submitted a press release to a couple of newswire services concerning the release of 'The First Key of Kalijor'. I have no idea how many, if any, publications will pick it up, but at the very least it will be listed on google news and yahoo news. We'll have to see what happens.

If you got here from an address you received from some sort of news article or RSS feed, please drop a comment letting me know so that I have some idea about how useful the last few hours have actually been. Then head over to the storefront and buy a book or two, everyone needs a couple copies. They make great gifts and the gifting season is just around the corner now. THey also make wonderful paper weights, jack stands, fly swatters, projectile weapons, kindling, door stops, and oh yeah, there's a story in them there pages too!!

Ok, so I am a little strange, but anyone who has known me for more than about 10 seconds would have been able to pass that little nugget on to you had you but asked for it! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Let's see, other news...... Nothing really races to mind....

I have been trying to arrange a couple more local book signings, but it seems as though most of the local book stores have been run out of the game. I'm not sure if it is the doing of the big-name stores or just some other economic factor, but it kind of sucks either way. I love and everything they have enabled me to achieve thus far but their one major flaw at this point is that they do not buy books back from stores. The unfortunate (for me) side effect of this is that I can not get in the door there to do a signing with my own stock of books, and they will not buy books that they can not return.

I am going to talk to some PR people about the possibility of me buying back unused stock personally, but I have extremely limited funding for that so it can't happen terribly often right now.

Oh! I would also like to put forward at this point that since I DO have stock in hand at this point, I am willing to send you a SIGNED copy of 'The First Key of Kalijor' for $23US. That's $18 for the book and $5 shipping (only to locations inside the United States, if you are outside the US, please contact me and I will get back to you with shipping costs elsewhere). I will of course sign your copy that you already have, but if you don't live in or around Westminster CO then I am afraid that you will be personally responsible for the cost of shipping the book to me for signing and then back to yourself again. That is not something I relish doing but right now I just don't have the funds to be absorbing such things right now. Although I am sure such a time will come along in the future. :)

Alright, I think I am about done now, so thanks for stopping by and I will see you all later!!

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