Wednesday, June 1, 2011

...and it was good...


So, while Apple's submission process seems terribly long and fraught with undocumented pitfalls, and while there most certainly ~are~ a few true breaks in there (soon to be rectified, from the sound of things), it is not completely unnavigable.

I am pleased to announce that, as of yesterday afternoon, all three books (second editions of the First and Second Key of Kalijor, and the debut of the Third Key of Kalijor) are now available on both iBooks, and Kindle!

The books are looking ~much~ improved over the previous electronic versions, and I now have direct control over them, so any necessary updates can be made in very short order, should they become necessary.

The next bit of news about this awesomeness, is that I have lowered the prices on the electronic versions of all three books from $6.99, to $2.99 (about 1.5 pounds sterling)! This is ~not~ a sale price. This will be, going forward, the staying price for all of my digital sales, and I have no intention of ever raising them.

As always, if you buy, or have bought, a physical copy of one or more of my books, send me an email ( with a picture of you holding it/them, and I'll send you a digital copy in your format of choice (ePub, or Mobi). I don't want people buying my books more than once for their own reading purposes. Once is enough. Just, tell your friends and family about it, if you think the story is worth reading. New readers is where we need to be!

In related news, the physical book version of The Third Key of Kalijor is still in red-tape mode with Bowker, so it has not landed on store shelves yet. Hopefully there will be no hiccups in the process and we will see it landing soon (it takes about 8 weeks, so we aren't worried about it yet). I'll let y'all know when it lands, but if you'd like a copy in the meantime, you can get them from my lulu store, or you can email me and I can send you a personalized copy directly!

I think that's about it for now, so I'll get back to it.


End of Line...


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