Thursday, January 31, 2008

Going on February...

SO. All seems to be going along fairly well here. I just pushed a pretty big story update to the Kalijor main page. A bunch of new stories were added along with some final touches on a couple of the series I had going there.

I am still writing daily. Right now I am working on a submission for The Rifter, which is a quarterly publication from Palladium Books. Along with that short story I will be statting out some of the characters, classes, races, and a town from that story for use with the Palladium Books system. Hopefully they will be interested in picking it up for an issue or two *crosses fingers*.

As soon as I am done with that Then I am going to finish a book I began before Chrsitmas. It is a book concerning my own personal experiences in management. Sort of an autobiographical do's and don'ts of management if you will. I have no idea how well received it will be but it is something I feel I need to write, so I will!

In other news, I have applied with a couple of game developers her ein Denver for some content building positions! That would be the ultimate job for me!! I can't even tell you how exciting it would be to go to work every day and create stuff for other people to play with!! Simply amazing! I will keep you informed.

Did some basic work around the house today. Regrouted a bunch of tiles in my shower stall. Next up is the drain in the kid's bath tub. It's leaking so I need to get it all sealed up and squared away, then I can move on to patching up the cieling in the kitchen where the kid's tub leaked through! After that... I have no idea... but I am quite sure that something will present itself in due time.

Alright. I am off to get some more writing done. I will gab at you all later! Here's hoping you all have a great day, and a wonderful however many dayes it takes before I post again!

Friday, January 11, 2008


That's pretty much all I have to say about that. By this stage the whole 'new year' thing has pretty much been done to death. So at this stage I will simply say that I hope each of you has an incredible new year that is filled with all of the things you bring about for yourselves!

For my part at least I have a lot going on. I have finished up my Novella about Jumah and it is in my lovely editor's hands. As soon as we get it cleaned up I will be hosting a competition on Deviant Art and the Kalijor web site. The contest will be asking for all interested artists/fans to compose a full color, cover image for the book. The finalists will be chosen by myself and then the winning piece will be selected via popular vote, most likely on dA just to keep things easily accessible and totally impartial on my part. Once the image is selected, I will composite the cover together (adding titles, text and so forth) and then assemble it for publication. I will also purchase an ISBN for the novella so that it can be purchased online and in local book stores the world around.

The winning artist will receive not just the by-line, but also a signed copy of the book.

At this point I am also kicking around the idea of taking submissions in black & white for interior art at the head of each chapter (which would be nine pieces I think). Judging would take place in a similar fashion and prizes would be the same for everyone since I am still not exactly rolling in the dough.

In other news, I have just begun work on a story submission for "The Rifter" Which is Palladium Books' quarterly gaming publication! I have outlined all of the characters and the plot and am now refreshing my knowledge of places, names and equipment (damns, it's been a long time since I was in the main Rifts book!!). The first page is written and immediately took on a life of its own, so I have high hopes that the project will move along pretty quickly. That having been said, if it does move as quickly as I think it will, then I will likely also pound out a new O.C.C. and two new alien races for submission as well. If that is well received then I may have a better shot at getting my source book into their hands as well. Here's hoping!

Anyway, I hope this finds you all well and I intend to keep better track of this blog during 2008. My goal is at least weekly posts. Shouldn't be too difficult..... should it?