Monday, October 18, 2010

Mile High Con this weekend!

So uh, I am bound for Mile High Con this weekend!

Unfortunately, at this point, I have no idea when I will be at table there, or for how long... It seems that they offer free tables to local authors (hooray!), but they must be signed up for, in hour-long blocks, on a first-come, first-served basis. So how much time I get, and when those times are, depends entirely upon how many authors attend, and when they get there to sign up.

So, I have taken Friday off work, and I will be at the con hotel a couple hours, at least, before they officially open their doors. I hope to get at least a few slots, and both my cover artist (for the Second Key of Kalijor, and all books going forward), and the model that posed for Riana and Katrina on that book (and will be our model for the foreseeable future), will all be there together!

So, in short. Mile High Con, this weekend. Kalijor Press will be there, with artists, models, authors, and goodies (including a sneak peek at the first edition of the Kalijor Graphic Novel!!). I'll post here Friday, the instant I know times etc. And I hope we will see some of you and your friends and family there!

Also, as an aside, Kalijor Press can now accept Cash, Check, PayPal, and all Major US credit/charge Cards (Visa, American Express, Master Card, and Discover), as well as barter, precious stones and metals, and the occasional soul, if it is a really good one. Please, no children however, as we are full up at the moment and even first-borns are just not going to be accepted.

End of Line...


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