Saturday, October 31, 2009

How long?!

For crying-out-loud!

Why does this blog experience so much neglect?!

I think it is partially due to the fact that I do most of my actual blogging on my deviantart site, and partially due to the fact that I am inherently quite lazy. It's true!

I have to take on additional projects in order to create a sense of constant panic/pressure in my world. This panic/pressure is what keeps me working on things, instead of sitting idly by and watching them roll through my field of vision.

The other day my wife told me I was just like my mother, in that, if there was no emergency, I wasn't happy. I am not (yet) convinced that she is entirely correct about the severity of this condition I have, but I am beginning to understand that she is, at least, correct about it's existence.... *sigh*

Ok then, why not just add another log to the fire then eh? Alright, I think I will!

NaNoWriMo! Why the heck not? So, beginning tomorrow (the 1st of November) I will begin my second year's participation in this wonderful little event that challenges one to create from scratch, a 50,000 word or more novel. Start to finish.

Last year I did 74k words, but I didn't have as much going on in my life. I won't bore you with details, but suffice to say that this year my time is even more accounted for going in. So we'll see what happens. If I pull it off again this year, then next year I will adjust my word count goal.

What will the book be about you ask? I think it will be another Alina Martin novel. I really like her character, and feel she still has a lot to offer story-wise. Left undone from last year is what happened with her parents (is her father really a terrorist? And how could he take all those rifle-blasts to the chest? And how could her mother just turn around and walk away from them like that?), what happened to Niko, how Alina dealt with Daray after the incident in the alley, and much, much more (not even mentioning Turin and Almon... Doh! I just did!).

So I think that will be the subject of this year's novel. If you want to look me up on the NaNoWriMo site, my user name there is *gasp* PaulLell Come on over and say hello!


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